Hi there,
I hope you found value in the seminar, “It’s All About You”. Below are the resources and videos as promised. You will find additional resources, including the Talk to Your Doctor form, Back care chart, Workshop notes and much more here: https://robedwards.co/tips.pdf
Here’s the page I mentioned to take with you with you when visiting your doctor: https://robedwards.co/doctor.pdf
If you know others who may be interested in booking a seminar for their staff or association events please share: https://robedwards.co/ or call +61 413 734 916.
You are most welcome to support my foundation by getting raffle tickets in a great Fiji holiday. Information about my foundation is here – it will put a smile on your face.
Best regards
Rob Edwards OAM
Okay here we go:
Workshop. Setting Goals That Really Matter
You will find the notes to follow on page 2 here: https://robedwards.co/tips.pdf
Please note the workshop is not a reflection of the style or content of Rob’s keynote presentations.
Please note.
Some of the following videos and material have references to our workplace health appraisal program – please disregard those references. Consider the topics and extract the information that is relevant to you.
Note to those who participated in that workplace health appraisals program – COVID closed that business for nearly two years – so after a successful 25 years and many thousands of participants we decided retire the program. Thank you to all who were a part of that journey.
Additional resources:
I strongly recommend you make the small effort and investment to get this check done. People have reported that it may have saved their lives – simple as that.
Additional resources:
Additional resources:
Additional resources:
Additional resources:
Better Health Channel – Stress
Help Guide Organisation – Stress Symptoms, Signs and Causes
Private site – 5 Simple Mediations
Private site – Meditation Techniques for Beginners: 5 Easy Tips
Mental health
It is not correct to directly relate stress and mental health, but we acknowledge many will search for the topic here. Therefore the resources listed below.
Additional resources: