Hi there,
I hope you found value in the seminar.
Below are the resources and videos as promised. Please note much of that is not what I present on stage – rather a collection from past work that may be of some value to you. Further resources can be found here: https://robedwards.co/tips.pdf
Information about speaking engagements: https://robedwards.co/ or call +61 413 734 916.
Information about my foundation is here – it will put a smile on your face.
Best regards
Rob Edwards OAM
Please note.
Some of the following videos and material have references to our workplace health appraisal program – if not relevant to you please disregard those references. Consider the topics and extract the information that is of value to you. Go well.
Additional resources:
I strongly recommend you make the small effort and investment to get this check done. People have reported that it may have saved their lives – simple as that.
Additional resources:
Additional resources:
Additional resources:
Additional resources:
Better Health Channel – Stress
Help Guide Organisation – Stress Symptoms, Signs and Causes
Private site – 5 Simple Mediations
Private site – Meditation Techniques for Beginners: 5 Easy Tips
Mental health
It is not correct to directly relate stress and mental health, but we acknowledge many will search for the topic here. Therefore the resources listed below.
Additional resources: